Friday, January 15, 2016

Ship to Shore

Excited to present Ship to Shore, my latest kit.  The name actually tells you all about the kit, but let me add that this kit is pure fun!  Just drag and drop the elements onto a page, and try them with the various backgrounds.  If part of an element overlaps too much, just apply a soft eraser at a low opacity to it!  Create your own art!  That is what my designs are all about.  Check out what my team has created using this kit, I am so lucky to have these wonderful ladies who play with abandon!!

So here are a few pages to give you an idea of what YOU can do with this kit!!
Hayley said she just plopped things on a page and this is what she came up fun is this?

I love how Cheryl stacked these elements and created a story by adding the sailor.

I felt like this was a cover of a book, Gina designed a page that was emotional for me, making me crave more!

And see what you can do with texture...beautiful page by Gina!

Look how playful you can get, I just love the whimsical feel to these next few by Hayley and Cheryl:

I love the stacking and blending on the next few pages by Cheryl, Hayley, Gina and myself. The bottom line is that this kit is a blast to play with (if I do say so myself, LOL)

And if you are more into the "less is more" category, how about these? I love the one by Cheryl, creating a shipwreck scene!


  1. Love, love, love this kit! And fantastic layouts :)

  2. How do I obtain this kit please ( my name is Debbie

    1. or click the "Lynne Anzelc Designs at Oscraps" on the top bar of this blog (under header). Here is the direct link (trying to give you options):
      Thanks again!! Lynne

  3. Debbie, if you click the link Ship to Shore in the first sentence of this post, it will taker you to My designer name is Lynne Anzelc Designs and it will be the first kit in my shop. Hope this helps, and I am thrilled you like it!! Warm regards, Lynne
